Check in with yourself regarding your emotional wellness

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Ask Yourself-Am I OK?

Life can get busy for most people that we are used to multi-tasking without pausing to take time out to relax.

It is important to sit down, be still and focus on your emotional/mental health.

-How am I feeling right now?

-Is the stress I am feeling overwhelming/accumulating in my life? Why is it so?

-When does my body need to move, i.e. walking, running, dancing?

-Who can I talk to?

-What is the most loving and supportive thing that I can do for myself?

-Is there a boundary that I need to communicate as a way to respect my own needs?

-Is my body telling me to rest, regroup and relax?

-Are there any repetitive thoughts that I have been attached to that are no longer serving me?

-What does it mean for me to let things go so that I am not feeling overwhelmed?

If you're feeling overwhelmed by thoughts ...

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What is Impulsivity?

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Impulsive behavior is the tendency to act without thinking.  This type of behavior is usually unplanned and spontaneous. It is a behavior that starts in the brain. It is thought to be connected to the prefrontal cortex, which isn’t fully developed until the age of 25.  Impulsive decision-making is often led by emotion as opposed to logic, and can even go against your own desires or plans. It is human nature to sometimes act in ways we wish we hadn’t, or fail to consider all negative consequences of our actions, but a regular pattern of impulsive reactions could be the sign of impulsivity issues. Acting impulsively is often linked to mental health and is even a symptom of some mental disorders.

Some examples of impulsive behaviors are:

  • Abruptly changing or cancelling plans
  • Binge eating or drinking
  • Butting into conversations and talking over people
  • Clearing out belonging ...

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Affirmations to Address Fear

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How can you address your fears when there is no one around but you and your thoughts?

Practice saying positive affirmations to address those fears...... Read more




